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Booty Bands and San Diego Junior League Host Successful Event

CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, July 11, 2018 / -- San Diego, California - Booty Bands® in partnership with the Junior League of San Diego proudly played hosts to an event on June 30th which was a huge success. The focus of the event was to make women feel more confident about themselves, both physically and mentally. The event was designed to help all attendees get rid of any kind of self-doubt that they might have and feel empowered from within themselves.

The event was filled with fun activities for which the participants were an integral part of the event as they worked out alongside the founder of Booty Bands, Danita Young. Danita was present to give a strong message and remarked on the impact that she strived to create in women’s lives with special programs just like this.

"There is no need to be perfect to inspire others, Let others be inspired with how you deal with your Imperfections" Danita said. “The journey is not about becoming a different person, instead it is loving yourself for right now.”

As expected, women of all ages showed up to participate in the event and as promised each participant was handed out a Booty Band of their own to workout with - a tradition that is repeated every year by the company.

The event was in alignment with the Booty Bands core values which is devoted to empowering woman and making the female community stronger. Keeping the spirit alive, the participants were asked to focus on the areas of their lives they would like to improve.

Some had picked their careers, others chose their love life, some their health, but all-in-all the focus of the event was to encourage self-love meditation. This helping the participants in getting their focus in the right direction, to eliminate doubt from their minds. Thus, making them realize the importance of taking action themselves and visualizing their goals in their minds.

Throughout the event, the morale of the participants remained high as they took part in all of the activities that were planned throughout the day. The participants were also encouraged to work together with each other to create strong impact and promote teamwork by helping build a community.

For more information about Booty Bands®, make sure to head on over to their website or head on over to their instagram at and stay updated with everything that is going on and for a heads up on other such events.

Danita Young
Booty Bands
email us here

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